Matte Photo Paper
Krylon Matte Overspray
Metal Ruler
Quality White Glue
Small Paintbrush
Pastel Chalk
Sharp Hobby Knife
Small Clamp
Chipboard: Chipboard can be found in cereal boxes, or the backing to a pad of writing paper. Chipboard is easy to score and cut with a hobby knife. Chipboard comes in various thickness.
Medium, or .03 inch is a good thickness for most models, the chipboard attached to the back of a paper writing pad is about this thick. Thick chipboard, .05 inch is good for larger models, and for the floor of a building. A single pass of a hobby knife with medium pressure makes a score mark so the chipboard is easily bent.
Metal Ruler: Metal rulers are preferable for use when cutting chipboard or trimming paper
Paper Glue: Use a good quality paper glue such as Sobo (available in Craft stores) or Aileen's Tacky Glue. Spread the glue on the side of the buildings as opposed to putting glue on the paper. Use a small scrap piece of chipboard to get a thin coat of glue. Too much glue can cause your paper to wrinkle!
Photo-Matte Inkjet Paper: Photo matte Inkjet paper is a bit thicker than standard paper and has great print quality to show off the great detail printed from the Model Builder program. You can find Matte Photo paper at some grocery stores, they call it "presentation paper" PrinterWe always print on an inkjet printer. Step 1 Print the plan in your selected scale After choosing "Building Plans" from the "Other" Category drop down, select a Model Building Plan from the six available plans, and click on the Design Screen drop the plan and view it. Since you selected a scale as you entered Model Builder the plan will be ready to use without resizing or adjustment. In larger scales the complete building plan will not fit a single page. You can choose to print the whole plan by going to "File" "Project/Page Setup" and selecting all 4 pages. See more information about moving Building Plans and resizing plans in the Manual Step 2 Trace the printed building plan onto a stiff material such as chipboard or pulp-board. Cut out your chosen material, and score on the dashed lines. Step 3 Create a bottom for the model out of cardstock To make the bottom, hold the corner of a piece of cardstock below the model. Take a pencil and trace the bottom cardstock from the inside, Cut out the bottom and glue it to the inside of the Model, see figure3. The bottom will serve 2 purposes: squaring up the corners and providing rigidity. If you want to access to the inside of your building, cut a hole in the chipboard base first. Step 4 Make a Chipboard Roof The roof for each of the sample model buildings is a rectangular piece of chipboard, scored at the roof ridgeline. Set the roof aside for later assembly. Step 5 Create and Print Designs for your Model using Model Builder With the Building Plan Still on the Design Screen, start adding your Building Materials. You can choose to print the Building Plan Superimposed onto the Materials when you are done or Print the Building without the plan on it. See the manual for more information on your choices for working with building plans. For this tutorial we will be printing each side of the building separately. a)Add a Background for the building side. Add a background building material to the screen, choose from siding, bricks, stucco, stone, or wood from the "Materials" Palette and paint or crop the material to a size appropriate for the building side. We like to make our materials a little oversize. It's easy to trim excess material, but hard to add extra material if you fall short! b) Overlay, size and arrange your items such as Windows, doors, trim, foundation and vents onto your background material. Save your design. c) Print your design. d) Repeat steps a), b), and c) for the other 3 building sides, giving each side a unique name. e) Choose, size, and print your roof material. Some materials such as metal can be used as a single piece to span both sides of the roof. Some roofs look better with a separate roof piece printed for a roof cap. See the small service station figure above. f) Optional - Add Rafters. Print some rafter material for your roof, (see the rafters on the trackside shed building). This adds a nice detail to your roof, especially if your roof overhangs the front and back of your building by a good amount. We have found that by stretching some of the lattice/grill images and using the crop/paint mode the result is nice roof rafters Step 6 Glue your printed design to the chipboard building There are several approaches to adhering your print output to your chipboard model. The following is the technique we prefer: Cut the printed building sides oversize, as we will be trimming off extra paper with a hobby knife. You may find it easier to trim the top edge before gluing as the roofline makes it more difficult to trim this area later. Spread paper glue on one side of the chipboard building using a scrap piece of chipboard. Try to get a nice even thin coat. Place your printed design onto the glue, check to make sure your design is straight. Allow to dry. Trim the excess paper with a sharp hobby knife, see figure 4. This trimmed edge will meet up with the trimmed edge of the adjacent side to make a 90-degree corner. Step 7 Chalk visible paper edges At the corners of the building walls and roof ridgelines, the white edges of the paper may be noticeable. These areas can be easily touched up with pastel chalk. Pick a pastel color that is similar to the brick or siding color of your building. Scrape off any coating the chalk may have and rub sparingly across the building corners. Step 8 Fasten the roof Use glue to fasten the roof to your building and hold the roof in place with small clamps or rubber bands until dry Step 9 -Optional: Spray Fixative to protect your model from eventual fading. A Fixative such as Krylon Matte Overspray offers smudge protection, and also protects from eventual fade that inkjet ink can be subject to from UV light. for illustration see click to see image... |
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