Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Considering the breadth, depth and intensity of influence that ICT commands barely six hundred months after the installation of the first business computer, this device is powerful. Apart from the capabilities of its hardware; various software has altered every aspect of human endeavour. In the building industry, the C++ written object-oriented CADD software (like AutoCAD) automated the traditional graphic communication and empowered the architect to express himself better in three dimensions. However, the introduction of Building Information Modelling; a new CADD concept has further aggravated the potentialities of Computer Aided Drafting and Design. With BIM the traditional master builder role of the architect is quite possible theoretically. Power implies the unfolding of new possibilities. Power is about people and hence has political and sociological implications. Power must be managed in order to avoid the domination of a political system by a single group or person. Hence, the evolving power of CADD and its implied potentialities must be pre-emptively managed deliberately in order to avoid an inevitable power politics among professionals in the building industry in the nearest future. This paper examines the implications of these and the challenge they pose for architectural education and practice in the twenty first century.

Key Words: CADD, Management, Power, Technology, Values.

Technology has always intrinsically been an agent of societal change. Sometimes those changes are epochal due to their revolutionary dimensions. Considering the breadth, depth and intensity of influence that ICT commands barely six hundred months after the installation of the first business computer in Kentucky; the computer is simply powerful. Computer technology and consequently, Information and communication technology (ICT) has developed steadily until it stands to control and change practically every area of human life. Amazingly, the rate and trend of development suggest that this is a tip of an expanding iceberg.


Roy (1978:14) quoted by Gummet and Johnston (1979:9) distinguished three general types of technology: “…technology as a body of organised knowledge; as the products of organised knowledge; and as the activity of applying organised knowledge.” Hence, technology goes beyond physical and social hardware, but it is “…a force which permeates our political, economic and social systems.” (Gummet and Johnston, 1979:9) In fact sometimes it instigates new socio-economic, political and cultural systems which further create an impetus for Research and Development that can birth another cycle of new technologies. The building industry as a technological system that is composed of professionals who carry out activities 
that apply organised knowledge has been influenced by the forces of the products of organised knowledge in form of ICT.

Technology is not exclusively a modern phenomenon; neither is the call for technology to be directed to what can “…be regarded as socially useful ends”. (Gummet and Johnston, 1979:9) From time immemorial, the concept of political power has always been closely knit with technology. Societies have always had to choose between technological proliferation, economic benefits and human welfare. In modern times, these calls echo in the campaign for appropriate technology, Quality function deployment, lean, sustainable development and recently, the Millennium Development Goals.  It has always been a choice between power or people extremes. However, sustainability is the mid-line of balance.

Although the original idea of sustainability was applied to ecological issues, it has been extended to almost all areas of human endeavour. Brundtland Commission quoted by Dalal-Clayton (2003) defined sustainability as “a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations”.  The increasing power, resourcefulness, potentialities and scope of influence of ICT calls for a pre-emptive management of this technology for a sustainable professional milieu in the building industry.

In the building industry, the relevance of computer technology to architecture became more direct with the advent of Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) technology. The building industry in general and architecture in particular which evolved from on-site design in scale 1:1 to the drawing board communicates  building construction information through traditional graphic drawings with notes, schedules and specifications. These drawings are a composition of analogues in form of conventional symbols that are graphic abstractions of objects in reality.
Earlier CADD technology based on C++ written object-oriented software (like AutoCAD) used a general concept of objects to create basic drawing symbols such as lines and arcs. Thus, it merely automated the process of traditional draughtsmanship. “Using the same drawing legacy, a replica of what could have been drawn by hand was created using the computer as a drafting system. This makes AutoCAD drawings a mere collection of basic drawing primitives”. (Ibrahim M. et al 2003). In spite of its many advantages (which include ability to rapidly generate 3D images from different points of views, the possibility of creating motion simulation and walk-through animations as well as the ability to readily move the observer’s station point to any coordinate with the resulting view immediately generated) earlier CADD software were able to handle and manage information about a building only on a limited basis.

The introduction of a new CADD concept; Building Information Model (BIM) has created even greater possibilities. The BIM generation of CADD systems, introduced a new concept of objects in the cyberspace. These objects have an equivalent physical meaning to real world objects, and provide an abstract computer representation of the physical world that is convenient for architects (Ruppel, Meissner, and Bernd M 1993). Just like in word processing software, text and the grammatical implications of their relative positions are programmed to ‘see’ themselves as text and query wrong positioning, a door in a BIM software ‘knows’ what it is, how to behave as the elements they represent and how to interact with other elements in the building represented by other BIM entities. BIM stores and manages object information as databases which describe complete details about the object being represented like geometry, materials, specifications, code requirements, assembly procedure, price, manufacturer, vendor and any other related data associated with how the object is actually used. Any changes done to the building database will simultaneously be reflected in the entire set of documents the architect is responsible for: plans, elevations, sections, schedules, and bill of materials”. (Ibrahim Magdy et al 2003). 

New developments in BIM research will create new capabilities which should include all types of engineering analysis. “…A beam as an object should set its depth according to the span it covers, and change accordingly as the span changes. Although such intelligent behaviour has not been implemented yet in current CAD programs, it is this type of development that will be expected in the future. Another example, a door object should set its fire rating automatically according to the room where it belongs depending on its knowledge of this room’s function and the code requirements for this function. Theoretically, this is an achievable task, and should enhance quality control in all phases of the project”. (Ibrahim M. et al 2003).

Researches towards future developments are even very ambitious. These developments are challenging the nature of design information and the very way they had been stored and used in the past especially as the fourth dimension of time is added to BIM capabilities. “In 4D, BIM will provide object- and process-oriented building information from project drawings to decommissioning continuously over time. As just one example, data generated during design and construction will be reused and adapted throughout the life of a building to guide maintenance and repair activities”.(Hall, Dennis 2006) These developments will definitely change the terrain of the building industry in the years to come wherein roles must inevitably be re-defined.

  • The power and potentials of CADD especially, the paradigm shift in accepting almost instantaneous feedback of digital models has made the traditional master builder role of the architect quite possible theoretically.
  • Since the building design is originated by the architect, further development of BIM will definitely intensify power concentration in the hands of the architect as his ability to give complete building information without resort to other professionals in the building industry increases. This calls for pre-emptive and deliberate power management in the building industry in order to avoid an inevitable power politics among professionals in the nearest future.
  • Since every professional in the building industry are consumers of software, it presents a situation where absolute power concentration resides in the software producers who create the cyber environment which becomes the limits of what the professionals can do. This further presents a possibility of creating software that can even bypass the architect.  This possibility exists as a potentiality.

Power concentration creates a situation that calls for urgent negotiation, resistance, or attack. Where all these are not available as options or are futile, then passive or active submission occurs. The potentialities in the building industry created by software calls for inter disciplinary round table forum to discuss new professional ethics, distribution of authority and responsibilities etc in the face of new possibilities. Needless to say that there is need for collaboration.

There seem to be two available options for professionals in the building industry in the current milieu: firstly, the option of creative collaboration that is committed to balancing between professional survival and current expediency towards achieving optimum service delivery and secondly, the option of ‘individual’ political power play among professionals in the building industry towards preserving the political and economic interest of each profession. The option of controlling the influx of BIM into the professional climate of the Nigerian building industry is unrealistic, defeatist but at best posthumous in a rapidly globalising industry.

In order to effectively manage the economy of power created in the building industry by software development, certain questions must be answered some of which are:
(i)           What is the current level of patronage of BIM, and what is its performance like?
There is evidence that government establishment and the private sector are adopting CADD as a baseline of professional practice. However, there is an increased preference for BIM software like ArchiCAD, Vector works, Architectural desktop…in the private sector of the Nigerian building industry. There is need for research into how effective the adoption of these software has been in the Nigerian context.
(ii)               Who will be responsible for the management of BIM?
Should government be responsible for the management of the adoption of BIM of future software development or should it be an entirely stakeholders affair? There is need for collaboration on both levels through a bottom-up approach that would involve round table discussions between representatives of various professional institutes as well as consortia and partnerships that are on the cutting edge of digitalised practice as well as clients and contractors. This should facilitate the adoption of indigenously generated systems and standards that are relevant to our professional, socio-economic, cultural and political realities. The government can then adopt and enforce such bottom-up generated policies. Proactive collaboration between architects in practice and the architectural intelligentsia should enhance and enrich the process.
(iii)             How will the industry need to change to accommodate BIM?
We should not just adopt the successful systems of the so-called developed countries. There is need to contextualise BIM to the peculiarities of Nigerian building industry and the society. Nyerere quoted by Thompson (1981) argued that the “…first problem we have not solved is that of building sufficient self-confidence to refuse what we regard as the world’s best… and to choose instead the most appropriate for our conditions”. Whitaker (1970:12) suggested six possible directions of societal change that can take place in the face of the agents of modernisation:
a)     Total rejection of modernity and total retention of tradition.
b)     Total acceptance of modernity and total displacement of tradition.
c)      Partial acceptance of modernity and partial retention of tradition.
d)     Partial rejection of modernity and total retention of tradition.
e)      Total acceptance of modernity and partial displacement of tradition.
f)       Total acceptance of modernity and total retention of tradition.
Essentially, no one can predict the details of what the effect of BIM adoption will be, but there is need for a proactive, collaborative and pre-emptive action that will eliminate unnecessary crisis.

Power implies the unfolding of new possibilities. “Politics is about power. Power is about people...”(Margarch 1979:vii)  and hence has political and sociological implications. The popular adage that blames power as an agent of corruption is not entirely accurate. Power does not corrupt. Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely. If it does, then God (who has absolute power) must be the most corrupt being in the universe. This is absolutely contrary even to the most bizarre concept of God. Power is only a toll that increases the economy of possibilities available to those who posses power. Every tool and indeed, power as a tool is ethically and morally neutral. It merely takes on the character and values of its operator. Hence, political values are crucial to the management of the changes that software development poses to the Nigerian Construction industry. Responsibility, accountability and commitment to the sustainability of the built environment among other values are very crucial.


Architecture education ought to prepare students that are industrially and socially relevant.  If it fails to do this, it will reduce personnel efficiency and the macroeconomic contribution of architecture to national economy. In this regard, the economical prudence of architectural education will be questioned.

The World Bank technique of cost-benefit analysis of educational investment considers “internal and external efficiency” of schools as a quantitative indicator of educational output. External efficiency is judged by the balance between social costs and social benefits while internal efficiency is judged by the balance between input and output within specific educational system or institution. Psacharopoulos G. and Woodhall M. (1997:23) stated that; “More specifically, the external efficiency of schools may be judged by how well schools prepare pupils and students for their roles in society….a school that was extremely efficient in developing skills and attitudes that are not highly valued in the society as a whole…would be judged to be…externally inefficient.”

These have implications at two levels. The architecture student of today must be conscious of his social responsibility in the midst of changing and developing technologies that empower him more than ever before. However, the concept of society is going beyond the geographical concept. The globalised business environment into which the student architect will enter may require him to work for clients that are geographically remote to him. Secondly, the student must be trained in the use of the latest relevant technologies. These pose a challenge of curriculum development for architectural education that will integrate current industry developments. Rather than reviewing the curriculum in response to rapid changes, a percentage of the curriculum can be allotted to interaction with industry based resource persons who are on the cutting edge of current practice.

Various limiting factors exist. The problem of acquisition of hardware and software due to exorbitant cost, the attitude of teachers to ICT and their level of proficiency in the software. Teachers should not be viewed, even if inadvertently, with the techno-induced mind-set that sees workers like dispensing machines or equipment on a production line where a job request is passed in and a predictable result within a predictable time comes out. Thomas, George F. (1978) described this concept when he stated that; “In the one perspective, …workers are expected to behave like cogs in a machine, that is, as essentially unthinking parts or elements in the total productive system,…” A teacher is a human being. He may “…to view innovation with suspicion to cling to the familiar ways which have seen him through his many difficulties, to resent any extra work which may be required of him probably without extra remuneration and to see proposals for change as a criticism of what he has been doing”.( Thompson 2001:161)

The cultural dimension of the effect of ICT on schools in general and architecture schools in particular is another challenge. Old ways of schooling will gradually be eroded by ICT revolution. Traditionally, “successful schooling requires one to adhere to a prescribed set of cultural content delivered through a narrowly defined curriculum. This traditional and narrowly defined curriculum is delivered to the individual by instructors who are responsible for inculcating the student with a set of norms that perpetuates the relationships among groups in the social system” (Bowles and Gintis, 1976). However, Carolan, (2001:11) highlights how this culture is being upset. “An unexpected by-product of this technological revolution has been the emergence of a generation of students weaned on multidimensional, interactive media sources, a generation whose understanding and expectations of the world differ profoundly from that of the generations preceding them. Examining the relationship between these generations, represented by the tensions among teachers, students, and content, will provide much insight into the way in which technology is impacting our larger structures.”

Should the traditional manual draughtsmanship be abolished in architecture schools? This is a very sensitive issue that requires a long range anticipation of the trends of the current ICT craze. Input devices that replicate the human hand like modified light pens could be adopted for now until the implications of the monopoly of the mouse are fully understood. Such a decision cannot be based on notions but on informed anticipation.

The ongoing revolution in the building industry due to aggressive software development is potentially crisis laden. This crisis which is socio-economic, political and cultural in nature can be managed. The sustainability of the built environment of tomorrow is dependent on the actions or inactions of current professionals. Professional empowerment should be directed towards social benefits. This calls for proactive and collaborative action among stakeholders.

Bowles S. and Gintis H. (1976).                 Schooling in capitalist America: Educational reform  
                                                                      and the contradictions of economic life. New York:      
                                                                      Basic Books.

Carolan, Brian (2001)                                “Technology, Schools and the Decentralization of
                                                                     Culture” First Monday, volume 6, number 8 pg11

Dalal-Clayton (2003)                                                 "Globalization." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [CD].
 Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

Gummet  P. and Johnston R.(1979)                        Directing Technology Policies for Promotion and
Control. Croom Helm, London.

Hall, Dennis (2006)                                        “BIM is Here. Now What?“ AEC Tech News, March 2
                                                                                 2006 edition. Questex Media Group, Inc..

Ibrahim,M.,Krawczyk R. &  Schipporeit G.(2003): “CADD Smart Objects: Potentials and
Limitations”.http://www.iit.edu College of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Margach James (1979)                                 The Anatomy of Power: An enquiry into the
Personality of leadership. W.H. Allen and Co. Ltd.
London. Pg vii.

Psacharopoulos G. & Woodhall M. (1997) Education for Development.  A World Bank 
               Publication by Oxford University Press.

Thomason G.F.(1978)                                   A textbook of Personnel management. Institute
of Personnel Management, Central house, London.         
Thompson, A.R. (1981)                                 Education and Development in Africa. The
Macmillan Press Limited, London.

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