Tuesday, 15 April 2014


1.0       Introduction
The sun, as a faithful neighbour in the solar system, contributes essentially heat, daylight and solar radiation to the earth. The rotation and revolution of the earth around the sun is beyond mere planetic romance but rather gives rise to multifaceted climatic and environmental phenomena. All solar radiation travels through space in waves, and it is the length of these waves by which solar radiation is classified.
The aggregate of all radiation aspects of the sun is called the solar spectrum.
While the sun emits radiation in all wavelengths, it is short wavelength radiation that accounts for the majority of energy in the solar spectrum. For instance, the portion of the spectrum received, as the visible light is a relatively small segment compared to the variety of spectrum wavelengths, yet accounts for 46 percent of the energy radiating from the sun. Another 49 percent that is perceived as heat is derived from the infrared band of the spectrum.
The proportion of different wavelengths in the solar spectrum does not change and therefore the energy output of the sun remains constant. A measurement of this is known as Solar Constant; defined as the amount of heat energy delivered by solar radiation to a square meter of material set perpendicular to the sun’s rays for one hour of the outer edge of the earth’s surface..

1.1       Energy Density

Since solar radiation travels in parallel rays, the perpendicular position identifies the maximum density of rays striking the surface. Any deviation from the perpendicular reduces radiation density and the amount of energy intercepted.
1.2       Radiation and Surfaces
When sunlight strikes a surface, it is reflected, transmitted or absorbed in any combination depending on the texture, colour and clarity of the surface. The wavelengths of solar radiation that are reflected are determined by the colour of the surface material. A red stucco surface, for example, will scatter (diffuse) wavelengths in the red band of the spectrum and absorb all others; while a white glossy surface will reflect all wavelengths in the visible spectrum at an angle equal and opposite to the angle of incidence. On the other hand, a rough black surface absorbs all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, while the  transparent surface of window glass allows nearly all radiation to pass through it, with comparatively little reflection or absorption and without deflecting it from its parallel lines of travel. Translucent materials also transmit radiation but scatter the rays as they pass through.
1.3       Heat Absorption
Sunlight in the form of short wave solar radiation exhibits a transformation from solar energy to heat energy when impacting a material (Absorption). The temperature of a white surface, and a black surface expressed to the same direct sunlight is a simple demonstration of this conversion. The temperature of a black surface is higher because it is absorbing more solar energy. As solar energy is absorbed at the surface of the material, it stimulates movement of the molecules in the material and heat is absorbed.
1.4       Conduction
 As a material absorbs radiation, and molecular movement accelerates, the heat energy is distributed through the material due to the natural phenomenon of maintaining equilibrium. This occurs when stimulated molecules vibrating at a faster rate, impact adjacent molecules vibrating at a lower rate; thereby dissipating and “spreading” the heat which is eventually distributed throughout the material. The rate at which energy is distributed through a material, depends on the density of the material and conduction and the rate at which molecules are capable of receiving and passing on energy.
1.5       Heat Transfer
Heat transfer from a solid material to a fluid medium (liquid or air) occurs by radiation The added dimension of using fluid is that they can move across hot solid surfaces, allowing molecules of the fluid to become agitated, and move away from the heat source, and then be replaced by new, unheated molecules. This process of fluid movement is called Natural Convection
1.6       Emmissivity
Unlike solar energy, radiant energy is limited to infrared radiation emitted from a material at low temperatures. The extent to which a material emits energy depends both on the temperature of the material and the nature of its surface. Polished metal surfaces are poor emitters and poor absorbers of thermal energy. Glass has the special ability to transmit nearly all solar radiation it intercepts.
1.7       Heat Storage
All materials can store heat to some degree and the ability of a material to store heat is called specific heat. A good storage medium must absorb heat when it is available; and give it up when it is needed, and it must be a relatively good heat conductor. Figure 1 below, expresses emittances, and absorptances of selected materials. 
Figure 1:
Emittances and Absorptances of Selected Materials


Emittance (at 10-400c)

Absorptance (for solar radiation)

Black non-metallic surface such as asphalt, carbon, slate, paint



Red brick and tile, concrete and stone, rusty steel and iron, dark paints(red, brown, green, etc. 



Yellow and buff brick and stone, firebrick, fireclay.



White or light cream brick, tile, paint or paper, plaster, whitewash



Bright aluminum paint: gilt or bronze paint



Polished brass, copper, Monel metal



2.0       Passive Solar Design
Dennis Holloway, Nathan New Mexican architect wrote, “In 19973, during the first Arab Oil Embargo, I began to investigate alternative energy supports for architecture – ways to heat and cool buildings that did not rely on fossil fuels, solar energy utilization was the obvious solution, and was the best not new – having been in use around the world for more than thirty centuries. I found that bringing solar energy knowledge into a design process brought a new vitality and contemporary relevance to architecture. Since then, passive solar architecture has been one of my passions. I believe that designing architecture that minimizes its dependency on fossil fuel is the most responsive contribution an architect can make to the global environmental crisis including the carbon dioxide driven Greenhouse Effect. My own work and research convinced me that for most of the world, the external energy requirements for space conditioning of buildings can be drastically reduced by the use of passive solar technology.
Architecturally, the first approach has been to reduce energy wastage in buildings. The physical structure of the building has been subjected to rigorous examinations to find where energy is being unnecessarily lost – through poor insulation, uncontrolled ventilation or by pouring hot water down the drain. In addition, energy standards have been assessed to discover where, for example, lightning levels or room temperatures are unnecessarily high and could be reduced without loss of comfort.
The other approach has been the utilization of ‘ambient’ and renewable energy sources, for example sun, wind, and water or biomass. By direct use or by storage prior to use, these energy sources can reduce the buildings demand for non-renewable fossil fuel energy. There are two basic approaches to solar application to buildings, the first is known as ‘active system’ and is essentially a kind of ‘hardware’, which is applied to a building. This consists of solar collecting panels, storage tanks, an energy transfer mechanism and an energy distribution mechanism. The system relies on fans and pumps to circulate the working fluids. The other approach, ‘passive design’, seeks to reduce the energy budget of the house by close attention to orientation, insulation,  window placement and design and to the subtleties of the energy transfer properties of the building materials used.
Since the industrial revolution, the availability of inexpensive and apparently infinite energy has caused the vernacular understanding of climate sensitive design to fall into disuse. The architecture of technology and high-energy use, characterized by the International style has encouraged, for example, the construction of glass walled office blocks throughout the world.
Advances in material science have produced highly efficient building materials such as glass and thermal insulation; which have combined to make passive solar design possible. The United States, with the highest per capita energy consumption in the world has been in the forefront of the recent passive solar research. The first passive American Solar conference was held in Albuquerque in 1976. Other passive solar conferences were held in Amherst, Massachusetts, and in Europe, the interest in passive solar energy has grown rapidly.
A passive solar home, makes use of the materials from which the dwelling is constructed to capture, store and distribute the solar heat to its occupants. High heat capacity materials absorb this energy as it enters the house and stores it in the form of heat. Passive design requires consideration of solar and heat flow in every detail and component. Floor plan layout, circulation patterns, window location and the selection of wall and floor materials, all influence how well a passive design will work. The entire house is now a solar energy system with many of its components having dual functions; both the traditional function of an enclosure and the solar functions of collecting, storing and distributing heat. Windows not only let in light and allow a view, but collect heat as well. Walls which subdivide the enclosed space can also store and radiate heat. Components whose functions are primarily structural, spatial or aesthetic may double as solar heating mechanisms.
This paper will deal almost entirely with space heating and minimally with cooling as research is less developed in the later requiring further testing and intensive research. The challenge therefore is to encourage research in passive solar design with particular reference to the equatorial climate where cooling is more desirable than heating. The basic solar space heating equation for a building however is:
Solar                Incidental                   Auxilliary                Fabric            ventilation
Gains                Internal                       heating                      loss                infiltration
                                     Gains                          Requirements                                   loss

3.0       Comfort, Health and Building Planning and Design 

Our own bodies are controlled to maintain a core temperature close to 37oC

We function best at this temperature and variation on either side are detrimental. A major factor is the need to get rid of the heat we generate as a by-product of our metabolic systems. The heat we produce varies from about 100w at rest to about 1000w when physically very active. A seated adult male indoors in normal conditions produces about 115w, about 90w of which is Sensible heat and the remaining 25w is latent heat.  Sensible heat is that which we can “sense” or feel; it is detectable through changes in temperature. Latent heat is the heat taken up or released at a fixed temperature during a change of phase, for example from a liquid to a gas.

Sensible heat loss from the skin or outer clothing surface occurs by convection and radiation, and there is a sensible heat loss during respiration. Latent heat loss occurs through the skin, and sweat, and the evaporation of moisture during respiration. In temperate climates, the atmospheric water vapour pressure  has a slight effect on heat flow from the body; but in hot, humid situations the effects can be much more significant.
The naked body, if shaded from the sun, can be quite comfortable at around 28-300c and at moderate relative humilities. As the ambient temperature rises, the body’s response is to direct more blood to the surface, which increases the skin temperature and heat loss, and to sweat and to loose heat through evaporation.
Two points are relevant to building  design, firstly to make buildings comfortable, they should be kept within a suitable temperature range, which is not wide as that in an uncontrolled external environment. Secondly, our bodies are capable of maintaining a very stable core temperature with a fairly constant metabolic heat output over a wide range of external temperatures. This is done, with little or no additional energy expenditure, by a combination of control processes including sweating, altering the blood flow (and therefore the heat loss to the skin) and changing clothes to suit conditions.
Modern buildings have achieved the first objective of maintaining fairly constant internal conditions to comfort standards with the use of significant amounts of energy to provide heating or cooling to compensate for the changing external environment. The amount of energy used could be reduced significantly if buildings adopted the principle of animal physiological control. Comfort is a subjective matter and will vary with individuals and it involves a large number of variables, some of which are physical with a physiological basis for understanding. Classically, for thermal comfort they include.
- Air temperature and temperature gradients.       - Radiant temperature.
- Amount of clothing worn by the occupants.      - Ambient water vapour pressure.
- Occupant’s level of activity.                               - Air movement.

3.1       Form
The orientation of a building may be fixed but if choice is possible it should face south to take advantage of the sun’s energy.  Most often the first major design decisions are allocating volumes to various activities and developing the form of a building.

Form is governed by a number of functional considerations such as:

-                      The use of the sun’s energy and daylight                         - Provision of views for occupants.
-                      Heat loss through the building envelope              - The need for ventilation
-                      Acoustic attenuation if required.
In the recent past, the glass blocks of Mies Van der Rohe epitomized an architecture that shut out the natural environment and provided an acceptable internal environment through the use of considerable energy and sophisticated services.
The Queen Building at De Montfort is the antithesis of this and articulates the building both on plan and in section to respond to the environment and make the best use of natural energy sources. The likelihood is that environmental considerations will allow for freer forms and, thus, a welcome architectural diversity: but before we can draw any conclusions about form we need to know more about how buildings work. 
3.2       Building Body
The admittance, Y, of a constructional element,  put simply, is the amount of energy entering the surface of the element for each degree of temperature change just outside the surface and, as such, has the same units as the u- value (w/m2k). The admittance of a material depends on its thickness, conductivity, and density: specific heat and the frequency at which heat is put into it.
As can be seen from figure 2, dense constructions have higher admittances, which is to say they absorb more energy for a given change in temperature.
If a building absorbs a great deal of heat and only experiences a small temperature rise it is said, in no very precise manner, to be thermally heavyweight. Such buildings tend to have high admittances and a great deal of thermal mass, usually in the form of exposed masonry. Lightweight buildings, on the other hand, may have thin-skinned walls, false ceiling with lightweight panels, metal partitions and so fort.

Figure 2:
Admittance and Density of selected construction elements
Admittance (w/m2 k)
Density (kg/m2)
220mm solid brickwork unplastered
335mm solid brickwork unplasterted
220mm solid brickwork 16mm lightweight plaster

1700 for brickwork 600 for plaster
200mm solid cast concrete
75mm lightweight concrete block with 15mm dense plaster on both sides

600 for concrete
600 for plaster.

Normally, the heat flow into a building from the outside is almost cyclical.  On a daily basis, when the sun rises, the air temperature increases, and as heat is transferred, the building starts to cool, and the following day the cycle continues
By using high-admittance elements the building fabric can store more of the heat that reaches the internal and external surfaces, thus reducing the peak temperatures. This ‘balancing’ effect can apply both during the day and at night, because if cool night air is brought into contact with high-admittance surface their temperatures will drop. The next day, when warmer daytime air flows over the same elements, they will be cooled thus improving comfort conditions for the occupants..
3.3       The Building ‘Skin’
Development of the building envelope, or ‘skin’, is likely to be on the increase  in the next decade.  Technological innovation in glass will allow window systems to respond to environmental conditions in way not previously commercially viable for buildings.  Sunglasses, which react to different light conditions, are but a hint of the potential of glass in the coming years.
Building envelopes obviously need to be durable, economical, aesthetically pleasing, weather tight, structurally sound and secure. Psychologically, views out are very important. Environmentally, the questions that need to be addressed are:  how they respond to solar radiation (both for the Sun’s heat and light), how ventilation is made possible, how heat loss is minimized and how noise is controlled. The envelope will, to a large extent, determine how the internal environment is affected by external one. (See figure 3 below)
Figure 3:
Characteristics of Glazing Systems


U-value (w/m2K)

Light transmittance
Solar radiant heat transmittance

Mean sound insulation
Single (4mm clear float glass)





Double glazing (6mm clear float inner, 12mm airspace 6mmclear float outer)





Double with low emissivity coating (6mm pikington k inner 12 mm airspace, 6mm clear float outer





Double with low emissivity coating and cavity (6mmpikington k inner, 12mm airspace with argon, 6mm clear float outer






4.0       Types and Systems
Having thoroughly examined the theoretical principles of passive solar design, we now examine the different types of systems which have evolved in practice. Most of these prototypes have been built singly and experimentally and increasingly flexible designs are now being produced with two or more of the prototype systems, to fully use the advantages of each and to create functional and comfortable housing.
4.1       Non- diffusing
In the simplest type of passive solar system, sunlight enters the living- space through a large, south facing window and the radiation falls directly onto primary heat storage, where it is absorbed and stored in the form of heat, and released to warm the room.
To perform effectively as primary thermal mass, the area of mass used must be directly insulated for most of the typical winter day. The primary storage can have various configurations: in the floor, in the free standing mass within the room, or in the external or internal walls. When the thermal mass of external wall is utilized, it must be externally insulated.
Many modern houses have large south- facing windows, but it is the lack of thermal storage which prevents them from benefiting fully from their solar gains and the lack of adequate insulation standards, without which the solar gains cannot contribute significantly to the total heating requirement.
4.2       Diffusing
The use of diffusing glass, blinds, or reflection from a light colored surface behind clear glass, will all have the effect of spreading the incoming solar radiation evenly throughout the room.
The even distribution of the solar energy will result in lower surface temperature of the thermal mass, and thus, reduced air temperature and fluctuations within the space. The conflict of space use and energy storage is reduced slightly, but there is now the added problem of restricted views from the room.
4.3       Mass Trombe Wall
This system, named after the pioneering work by Dr Felix Trombe and Jacque Michael at Odeillo in France, consists of a dark-colored, massive wall placed directly behind a glazed, south facing solar aperture. It can take several hours for the energy falling on the wall to be transmitted to the room behind and this effect is used for night-time heating. The time lag depends on the conductivity of the wall material and will vary with its thickness and construction.
The warmed air, in the space between the glazing and the wall, rises, drawing cool room air in through the bottom vent at the top and bottom of the wall. The warmed air, in the space between the glazing and the bottom vent and thus the warm air is circulated around the room.
4.4       Water Trombe Wall    
The water Trombe wall is similar in operating principle to the mass Trombe wall. The thermal storage is water, which has greater heat capacity per volume than brick or concrete. Water is almost an isothermal heat store and  convection currents spread the absorbed energy rapidly throughout the store, eliminating the time lag of the mass Trombe system. This ensures a lower surface temperature of a container and so reduces both heat losses through the solar aperture, and the risk of overheating within the room.
Water is a cheap and effective form of heat store. However, in addition to the problem of weight, there are the problems of containment of this water and of humidity control if the water is not completely enclosed.
4.5       Sunspace
A sunspace is thermally isolated from the living space. Solar energy is collected through the south facing glazing and it can be transferred to the living space in several ways. If the sunspace contains little thermal mass the air temperature will rise quickly and this can be circulated throughout the living- space. The sunspace can incorporate thermal storage and so act much as an extended Trombe wall. In this way, the stored heat can be distributed to the living- space by means of convection, conduction and radiation. The great advantages of the sunspace are in its seasonal extension of the living- space, and in its potential for food production.
4.6       Thermosyphon
A thermosyphoned passive system normally employs collector panels which are isolated from the living- space. In this system, the heat transfer medium (air or liquid) is heated in the collector panel and rises to the primary thermal store. Having released its energy to the store the cooled fluids fall back to the bottom of the collector and thus continues to circulate while the sun shines.
Apart from its vertical position relative to the height of the heat store, the collector is free of the living- space and each can be located in its most suitable position on the site.. Alternatively, rock- bed or contained water stores below the living-space can release their energy by radiation and convection.
4.7       Roof pond
In low latitudes, the solar altitudes in winter, is high enough to make vertical collector surfaces almost useless. and a horizontal collector will be more beneficial. Thermal mass is provided in the form of water filled clear P.V.C. plastic bag. These are supported by steel decking which is also the ceiling. The contained water is covered by movable insulation which retracts to allow solar radiation to be collected during the winter day. At night the insulation is closed and the stored solar energy is radiated from the ceiling to the massive structural walls of the space below. These walls perform as secondary thermal mass. Room- air convection currents are suppressed by having the primary thermal storage mass in the ceiling.
The roof pond is one of the few passive systems which can provide both heating and cooling. Cooling is effected in summer by retracting the movable insulation to allow radiation to the cold night sky. The insulation is closed during the day to reduce solar gains and to allow the cooled water to act as a heat sink for the living- space below. This radiation cooling is particularly suitable where there is large diurnal temperature swing.
4.8       Underground Building
The temperature of the ground remains almost stable throughout the year, and  varies with latitudes and depth below the ground surface, and is about 100c at a depth of 1.2m in temperate climate zones. Burying a building will therefore reduce heat gain or loss, in climate with severe summer or winter temperatures, and this effectively ameliorates the outside environment.
4.9       Evaporative Cooling
When water evaporates it absorbs energy without a change in temperature. This energy required for phase change is termed ‘latent heat’.
In hot dry climates a body of water will be able to reduce air temperatures by evaporation, by absorbing energy from the air. This process increases comfort both by reducing air, temperatures and by increasing the relative humidity of the air.
Increasing the proportion of surface area to volume of water will improve the performance of this system and this can be achieved for example; with a fountain.
4.10     Dessicant Cooling
The human body loses unwanted heat by evaporation, through sweating. In hot, humid climate, sweat does evaporate and the body becomes uncomfortably hot.
Dessicants are porous materials with high affinity for water. If humid air is passed through a dessicant bed, water vapor is absorbed and the air is dried. A suitable low temperature heat sink is therefore required to absorb this energy and to ensure thermal comfort. When the dessicant bed is fully loaded, heated air is passed through it to drive out the water and so regenerate the bed.
If absorbent materials were placed in the east and west walls of a building, the morning sun could heat the east wall, regenerating the material which had absorbed moisture the previous afternoon. At the same time, the west wall could be dehumidifying the incoming air. In the afternoon, the processes would reverse as the sun moves into the west.
4.11     Induced Ventilation
When solar heated air is allowed to escape from the living- space at high level, a ‘solar chimney’ is set up. This provides continuous solar- powered ventilation. The air drawn in should be from the coolest source available, such as across a shaded pond or through a buried duct.
This system can be used in conjunction with a heating system, such as the Trombe wall or with a separated collector. It is important that the collector be insulated from the living- space; otherwise it becomes a radiant heat source for the living- space and defeats the objective of cooling
5.0       Conclusion and Recommendations 
Climate sensitive design is not a new concept and the principles have been used by almost all indigenous builders for centuries. The rise of science in the Renaissance led to the Industrial Revolution which has enabled environmental engineers to produce reasonable comfortable conditions in almost any building and in almost any climate. Some of the most powerful architecture of our time has taken technology and pushed it to the limits of possibilities, but the new challenge now, is to reduce a building’s reliance on fossil fuel derived high – grade energy, yet still provide comfort inside for the occupants.
Solar energy technology is a timely intervention as it utilizes the process we live by every day – photosynthesis, and carbon dioxide cycle, weather and the water cycle. Today, these skills have to be re-taught so that designers can use available materials to full potential and for the comfort of the users as demonstrated in the various proto-types examined in this paper.
6.0              References
1.                  Humphreys, M. A. and Nicol, J.F (1971). Theoretical and practical aspects of thermal comfort. Current Paper 14/71. BRE, Garston.

2.                  Anon, (1988) CIBES Guide, Volume A: Thermal Properties of Building Structure, CIBSE, London.

3.                  Anon (1981). Window design and solar heat gain. BRS Degest 68 (second series) BRS. Garston.

4.                  Anon. (1981) Guideline for environmental Design and Fuel Conservation in Educational Buildings, Department of Education and Science, London

5.                  Taylor, A. (1987) Curing window pains. Energy in Buildings, (6), 21-4

6.                  Lebens, Ralph M. (1580). Passive Solar Heating Design  Applied Science Publishers Limited.

7.                  Mazria, Edward. (1979). The Passive Solar Energy Book’ Rodale Press, 1979

8.                  Mibank, N. O. and Harrington-Lynn, J (1974). Thermal response and the admittance procedure. Current Paper 61/74. BRE, Garston.

9.                  Loudon, A. G. (1968) Sumertime temperatures in buildings without air-conditioning Current Paper  47/48. Building Research Station Garston.

Anon. (1992) Glass and solar control Performance of Blinds Pilkington, St Helens.


1.  Introduction
The concern for entrepreneurship orientation for the students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria has dominated the core of discussions by the stakeholders of education in Nigeria. This, in particular is viewed to be an intervention approach which would help to address unemployment.  Over the years, unemployment ‘crisis’ continues to deepen and government has continued to advocate for partnership and collaboration from private sector in order to mitigate the trend.

Put succinctly, the new approach being canvassed, is trying to encourage graduates of tertiary institutions to embrace the culture of self-reliance as opposed to seeking white collar jobs from the government.

The field of architecture like any other disciplines is faced with this challenge. This paper takes a look at teaching of business skills to architecture students in response to the changing socio and economic situation occasioned by globalization. The business skills in architectural context, is not restricted to ordinary buying and selling but dwell more on  basic business ideas to get students to start their own business and strategic inputs that aim to reward architectural design efforts into gainful opportunities.

Architecture is a vast discipline that encompasses art, science, technology and business management. Its earliest definition is that it is the art and science of designing a building. As the world advances, so also is this definition and role changes. The trend now is that architecture is more of business enterprise or what is known as enterprise architecture. The training of architecture students has to reflect enterprenuership and basic knowledge of business. Adeyemi (1990) has argued that the inclusion of professional and management courses in to the curricular of architectural education in Nigeria would make whole the comprehensive architectural education and  the content of the education of architecture students needs to be broadened to adequately cater for this important area.(Chukwuali,2000).

In Nigeria trade and markets have been unprecedented as a result of reforms in every sectors of the economy which manifest in opportunities and challenges. This has impacted positively on the business environment; the business of architecture also continues to change over the years.

Vander (2001) asserts that schools today face high standards, diverse learners, technological challenges, and market pressures-issues that schools and school leaders were not trained to confront. This requires a high expectation from all students to meet the realities of the new economy. Technological changes especially in information technology, the insistence on graduates of proven competence and skills by the employers of labour have opened a new vista of learning opportunities for both architect-educators and students. Thus the exploding education market is proposing new service delivery scheme, new competition and expanding choices to both the students and architect –educators.

Dudley (1994) in Abdulkarim et al (2004) captures the new role of the architect that “the architects of today seem destined to practice their profession in a kind of world that is as paralleled in history. It is a world composed of revolutionary advances in technology, of a degree of complexity never dreamed of before now”. Architecture   which is primarily concerned with the quality of the built environment and architect who in this regard, is empowered by his training to make this happen cannot but integrate these current realities of the economy into the practice. Architecture as a profession is a big business and should be seen as such. Therefore an understanding of entrepreneurship skills is needed so that architecture students can have proper direction after graduation.

2.  Architectural Education and Entrepreneurship
The required duration of years to be spent in schools of architecture in Nigeria is between five and six years of intensive training, both theory and practical aspects of architecture which were greatly emphasised in the course modules. This leading to the awards of B.Sc and M.Sc in architecture for contemporary schools of architecture; and B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in architecture for the universities of technology.
Olotuah (2005) affirms that the attainment of architectural education in Nigeria is to contribute to the realisation of a humane and responsive environment by equipping students with skills which would enable them perform this feat. In trying to achieve this end, schools of architecture through their aims and objectives set out to impart skill and knowledge to the students to enable them contribute meaningfully to the evolution of modern societies and transform the physical landscape expressed in an orderly built environment.

However, each school of architecture has its own philosophy and aims and objectives different from other schools of architecture but all of them have a convergence – to train people who will perpetuate the society manifesting in an orderly built environment. For example, in Federal University of Technology Minna, the philosophy of the department of architecture is “Creativity and Technology in Cultural Context” if identifies the symbolic nature of the university’s philosophy, the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria and places emphasis on producing architects who should possess enough scientific, technical and professional know how so as to be versatile in all aspects of protection, management and responsive design of the environment”. Thus the high point of the training is that the students should graduate to be job creators and not job seekers.
In order to achieve this, there is the need for business entrepreneurship skills included into the curricula of schools of architecture in Nigeria. A deep search into the curricula reveals no inclusion of business management skills which could be a fillip to becoming self-reliant after school.

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Univervity, Bauchi has its aims and objectives similar to that FUT minna but emphasising leadership role. It states…. “a high quality of professional education aimed at producing architects capable of understanding and solving complex technical and coordinate other related professional inputs in the development of the environment; … a graduate architect of the programme is therefore trained to be a consultant capable of performing the following functions in relations to the environment; brief development and feasibility studies, project initiation and development, site analysis and development planning, design and supervision, contract administration, project management, rehabilitation and refurbishing, modification and material change in user, restoration and preservation and maintenance”.

At Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria the M.Sc programme is geared towards resolving complex architectural design and building technology which in turn prepares students for complex architectural problems and creative synthesis and ultimately professional practice. At Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, the aim is to produce man power need for planning, design and management of the environment for the benefit of man.

Because of the seemingly lack of enterprise orientation for the undergraduate architecture students, the students often find it tough securing employment after graduation. Thus the purpose of being job creators as enunciated in the aims and objectives of the schools of architecture is defeated. Aladekomo (2000) has argued that the concern for acquisition of knowledge and skill in Nigeria’s tertiary institutions was enormous to the almost neglect of its implication for employment (or unemployment). Aladekomo affirms that it is nowhere suggested in the university curriculum course content that a very possible outcome of the programme may be self employment.

Chukwuma-Uchegbu (2006) identifies that the Nigerian economy and world economy is competitive – driven whereby performance and high standard give the job out which is why architecture students need to take in their stride these new realities with a view to c should be challenged to be abreast of development in the world. This is consistent with Abdulkarim et al (2004) that for architectural profession to be responsive to the changing times and demands, architecture has to be equipped with business-oriented skills to go along the traditional basic services offered by the profession.

The goal of architectural education as practiced in schools of architecture is to train students who will become practitioners of the profession. Olotuah and Adesiji (2005) affirm that the programme of study leads to the production of professionals who are sensitive to human needs and aspirations and who are creatively and intellectually equipped to proffer solutions to the problems of the built environment.

3.  Architects in the Business Environment
The unprecedented business environment continues to expand bringing huge markets and opportunities to exhibit talents and skills. For practitioner architects, who engage in the practice of the profession and get commissioned from it the knowledge of the business environment is very important.  Architects must be able to perform their professional services within the ambit of the business environment. The environment is becoming more and complex, with almost every task performed with using technology innovations. The vigorous studio training is now to be seen as a lively business for wealth creation and utilisation.

With the advent of globalisation, more healthy and keen competitions for jobs are emerging in the business environments. In seeking to achieve this, the architect has to be witty and intelligent to cope with the rising challenges in the business circle. The implication is that architects cannot afford to know less on a subject, the training and the methods through which he received this have been overtaken by event with the use of high-tech application software’s for presentation and communicating ideas across to clients.

4. The Need for IT Skills in Architecture
“IT Architecture” and “IT Architect” are two terms which have been variously used but poorly defined terms in the IT industry. There are used basically to classify a variety of practices and skills applied in a wide variety of IT domains. An IT architecture practice is a formal programme of development and certification, by which an enterprise formally recognises the skills of its practicing IT architects, as demonstrated by their work. Such a programme is essential in order to ensure the alignment of staff skills and experience with the IT architecture tasks that the enterprise wishes to be performed.

With the changing role of architecture profession, schools of architecture should strive to equip the  students with IT skills which can be subsumed into AutoCAD course to enable them undertake the various architecting tasks
Generally speaking, five broad categories of IT Skills could be of relevance to architecture namely:
  1. Generic Skills: These comprise leadership, team working, and interpersonal skills.
  2. Business Skills and Methods: Typically comprising business cases, business process, strategic planning.
  3. Enterprise Architecture Skills: Typically comprising modeling, building block design, applications and role design, system integration.
  4. Project Management Skills: Typically comprising managing business change, project management methods and tools.
  5. Technical IT Skills: Typically comprising software engineering, security, data interchange, data management.

5. Revisiting Architectural Design Competition
Architecture discipline generally is rooted in deep expressions of ideas, thought, simulations and solutions to the problems of the built environment. To a large extent, it is a process of mental thinking and meditation aimed towards a goal(s) which is why at the end of the studio programme, every student is required to present his/her scheme on the approved design topic to a jury composed of persons in academia practicing architects and allied professionals .

In the past, there used to be design competitions among architecture students from various institutions in which the best is chosen and awarded with prize after passing through assessors. This has proven to be very effective for the students to effectively respond to design related - challenges after completing their programme. Today, architectural design competitions are not organised as before and virtually has lost its tempo in the schools of architecture in Nigeria.

In the architectural practice, there is still a pocket of some architectural competitions both open and selected. The competitiveness of the market informed by information and technological advancement is so enormous that the job has to be taken away by the top performers in the industry or given to some who have managed to have achieved architectural excellence and who also have continued to put in place strategies, management initiative to command respect and fame in the industry.

 There is the need to resuscitate architectural design  competitions among the schools of architecture in Nigeria. The responsibility lies with the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) to be re-awakened to the benefit that could accrue through promotion and organisation of architectural competitions. This time competitions should take into cognisance the trends in information and technology, business management skills, IT architecture for performing architecting tasks and the use of Computer Aided Design Drafting (CADD) skills. This will engender greater performance from the students not only in architectural design but giving them the advantage of sense of competitions and preparing them for self-employment.

6.  Business, Advertisement and Professional Ethics
Almost all organisations world over thrive on one form of advertisements to promote and sustain their corporate images. Architecture profession whose operations and activities are performed in the business environment can not continue to be an exception. In order to regulate and control unprofessional conducts by members, Architects’ Registration Council of Nigeria ARCON introduced a set of rules which aim to guide against unethical practices. Under this rule, advertisement of services by architects is seen to be a contravention of the code of professional conduct. What this means is that, an architect shall not engage in advertising his professional services to a client, corporate individuals as the case may be. Arguments on masking the architect have increased in recent times, which many believe is a bane to the architect’s socio-economic status. The result is that the true identity and where to locate the architect is not known which gives impetus for clients using unqualified personnel to get project done. In other professions of Medicine, Pharmacy, Law their services are advertised either outside their offices or in print and media outfits. There had been criticisms on the part of NIA and ARCON on the continued masking of architects from the public.
However, to keep work or to attract job coming in architect must be prepared to change gear and participate in the business world. To do this he needs to sharpen his entrepreneurship skill and demonstrate ability and talents for fair competition in the market.
Ironically, for talents to be noticed you need an expression, an enabling environment for this talent to be exhibited and demonstrated bearing in mind that every project presents an opportunity for the creation of wealth.
The reality today is that even the most juicy jobs or contracts that are won are subjected to a serious and fair competition or what is known as due process. Architect has the responsibility of going the extra mile to survive in the business climate.

7. Recommendations
1)      Curriculum Upgrade: the lack of business acumen of the architect has been traced to the curriculum not having courses in business studies and administration. So also is the entrepreneurship   skill which would prepare the architecture students for self-employment since the grater percentage of
2)      Personal and Professional Skills: have strong communication and relationship skills. Communicate complex technical information to all stakeholders on the project, including those without a technical background. Strong negotiation and problem – solving skills are also important.  
3)      Knowledge of Information and Communication Technology (ICT): For good performance in the architecture business, there is the need to have skills in computer, Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) including 3D rendering and modeling. (IT Architecture)
4)      Social Interactions: Architecture practice thrives on good relationship with people. Architects must socialise well enough with people outside the field of architecture. Visitation to social gatherings, associations, clubs would enhance more benefits to the architects.
5)      Investment in Other Businesses: Be prepared to occasionally, take calculate risks by venturing into other businesses that are proven to be rewarding such as stocks, telecoms and real estate.
6)      Skills and experience in more disciplines: Develop and be able to organise and managerial ability and conversant with jobs of allied professionals. This would enhance the confidence of the architect as the leader of the building team. For examples, knowledge of project management, architectural science (acoustics, lighting, heating and cooling) urban planning and landscaping, coupled with the ability to interpret structural drawings and bill of quantities.

8. Conclusion
The realisation of the changing trend of the architect’s services occasioned by globalisation with its attendant opportunities for competition has opened concern for the architecture students to be armed with business skills . For a technology driven world with its impact on every sector, architecture students need to strive to remain relevant by taking in their strides current IT skills which are needed in performing all the architecting tasks. The paper affirms that architectural design competitions are vital tools for the marketing of talents and ideas, thus it should be resuscitated in all the schools of architecture. The paper concludes that business studies   and management must be included in the curriculum course content of architecture which would prepare students for the reality of self-employment after school.

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